We're excited to announce that performance reporting is now available in v2.1 of the Content API for Shopping . With the search
method of the Reports
service, you can programmatically retrieve all of the performance data that's available in the Merchant Center .
Requests to the Reports
service use the new Merchant Center Query Language , which gives you control over which metrics to download, how to segment/group your data, and which criteria to apply for selecting the result set. If you also use the reporting features of the Google Ads API , you’ll find that many of these concepts are familiar.
For example, the following query will result in a report of impressions, clicks, and clickthrough rate (CTR) over the last 30 days, summarized by date, brand, and offer ID.
FROM MerchantPerformanceView
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS
AND segments.category_l2 IN ('Clothing', 'Shoes')
For more details, check out the Reporting guides , which include an overview, a quick example to get you started, and an explanation of key concepts, including how to compose queries in the Merchant Center Query Language.
If you have any questions or need help with the new reporting service, please contact us through the Content API for Shopping forum .
Josh Radcliff, Content API for Shopping Team