We are pleased to announce the release of Ad Catalog v2 for iOS. Ad Catalog is a sample application which showcases a number of best practices when it comes to integrating AdMob ads into your iOS application.

This updated version shows how to integrate AdMob ads into four different types of iOS layouts - TabbedView, TableView, ScrollView and OpenGLView. Highlights include:

  • The TabbedView example shows how to correctly implement a GADBannerView singleton that gets reused across many different views
  • The TableView example shows how to correctly reuse a single ad inside multiple cells in a TableView
  • The OpenGL and ScrollView examples show how to correctly dock an ad to the top or bottom of your screen, outside of your content

You can download a zip file from the google-mobile-dev download page, or you can get the source by taking a look at our online repository.

If you have any comments, questions, or feature requests for Ad Catalog, please let us know about them on the forum or during our office hours.