AdWords scripts is a powerful tool to manage your account with simple JavaScript. Based on your feedback, we’re happy to announce a host of new features.

We’re introducing several powerful new features:
  • AdWords reports using AWQL gives you the ability to look at your account performance with high granularity. This provides access to a large array of stats and fields as well as allow a script to exceed normal entity read limits.
  • Negative keywords at the campaign and ad group levels allows you to better manage keyword exclusions.
  • IDs on most AdWords entities allow you to easily tie report performance to actionable changes by selecting just the objects you care about.
  • New information about the execution environment and current account, such as whether or not the script is being previewed, account currency and more.
  • We've raised our limits: you can now work with 250k entities per script.
These new tools increase the power and versatility of AdWords scripts to make it a premier tool for managing AdWords accounts.

You can find more information about these features in our documentation. Join us on our forum for discussion and to have your questions answered.