We are launching two major PQL features today - the
LIKE keyword and the
Line_Item table, both of which will be made available in all versions.
The LIKE keyword allows you to do wildcard matching for fields. For example, if you pass the filter statement “WHERE Name LIKE 'my order%'” to the OrderService.getOrdersByStatement method, it will match all orders that have a name beginning with ‘my order’ (like ‘my order 1’, ‘my order 2’ and ‘my orders’).
The other exciting feature of this release is the experimental Line_Item table. With this new table, you’ll be able to select only the fields you want for line items using the PublisherQueryLanguageService. For example:
SELECT Id, Name FROM Line_Item WHERE IsMissingCreatives = TRUE LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0
This allows for extremely efficient synchronization; tasks that would take hours with LineItemService, will now take minutes. We think this will be a great fit for pulling “match tables” and we’ll have a follow-up blog post soon about how to do this. Although we are launching this with a limited set of fields, we have made it a priority to add more in upcoming releases and we’d love to hear your feedback on our
forum or
Ads Developer Google+ page. If you want to get started playing with these new features now, you can always visit the
dfp-playground. Try using the Publisher Query Language section with a query like “SELECT Id, Name FROM Line_Item WHERE name LIKE 'Line Item #%' LIMIT 100”.
with the ForecastService. We know the latter has been a long time coming, so we are looking forward to any feedback.
As always, if you have any suggestions or questions about the new version, feel free to drop us a line on our