We are glad to announce support for upgraded ad extensions in AdWords scripts. Ad extensions give potential customers more reasons to click your ad by including additional business information upfront such as your address and phone number or more website page links.
We currently support sitelinks, call extensions, and app extensions in Scripts. You can refer to our documentation to learn more about this feature as well as get sample code snippets.
We currently support the following capabilities in AdWords scripts:
We currently support sitelinks, call extensions, and app extensions in Scripts. You can refer to our documentation to learn more about this feature as well as get sample code snippets.
We currently support the following capabilities in AdWords scripts:
- Create various ad extensions at account level.
- Associate ad extensions with campaigns and ad groups.
- Modify existing ad extensions.
- Remove an ad extension’s association with a campaign or ad group.
- Retrieve stats for various ad extensions at account, campaign or ad group level.
- We only support ad extensions in Feeds created by the AdWords system. If you created a Feed using the AdWords API, then these items won’t be retrieved by AdWords scripts.
- You may not delete ad extensions at the account level. You can only delete its association with a campaign or an ad group.