Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Updates to the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API

We've recently made several enhancements to version v1.3 of the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API. To make it even easier for buyers to work with the DoubleClick Ad Exchange, our team is improving the functionality of our APIs. Today we would like to let you know about some recent enhancements to version v1.3 of the Ad Exchange Buyer REST API. Below are the details of the new features and stay tuned for more releases over the coming year.

Performance Report Resource

A new resource, performanceReport, has been added. This resource is an improvement on the existing CSV performance reports. You can now use the API to view these reports in JSON format and without having to interface with Google Cloud Storage. These reports are aggregated over 5 minute intervals rather than the 1 minute intervals that the CSV reports use.

Creatives Resource

We’ve improved the creatives resource with the addition of two new sets of fields: filtering reasons and corrections. The filteringReasons are intended to give you better insight into why some snippets have been filtered out of the auction. The Buyer REST API will show you the metrics for the previous day. If you’d like to see longer term filtering metrics, they can be found in the Snippet Status Report.

The corrections field is intended to help you correctly submit creative declarations. We recommend using our corrections as feedback to update your application to submit the right attributes, ensuring your ads serve correctly and on time.

You can always find a listing of the latest updates on our release notes page. Your feedback and questions are welcome on our forum or Google+ Page. Let us know what you think!