Today, we’re happy to announce the launch of Google Mobile Ads SDK v6.12.0 with support for iOS 8. Specifically, it includes the following iOS 8 updates:
- Less time is spent on the main thread while loading ads
- Smart Banner ads are displayed correctly in landscape
New Framework Dependencies
Version 6.12.0 also requires that your app link to two additional frameworks:
- EventKit
- EventKitUI
If you’re using CocoaPods, simply run pod update to grab the update, and these new frameworks will be automatically linked for you. If you’re not using Cocoapods, the getting started guide has the full list of required frameworks.
See the release notes for a full list of updates. You can grab the latest SDK from the downloads page. If you have any technical questions about the new release, post them on the developer forum. Also follow our Google+ page to keep abreast of the latest developments for the Mobile Ads SDK.