Thursday, November 6, 2014

IMA HTML5 SDK now supports Internet Explorer 11

Today we're announcing support for Internet Explorer 11 in the IMA HTML5 SDK. The SDK is now compatible with the desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, as well as the mobile versions of Chrome, Safari, and the default Android browser. For more information on the supported platforms of the IMA SDK, check out the supported video player platforms.

Getting started

There are no configuration or setting changes to the IMA HTML5 SDK to enable IE11 support. If you already have a player with the IMA HTML5 SDK integrated, you can start serving to IE11 visitors immediately.

If you want to walk through integrating the IMA HTML5 SDK with an HTML5 video player, check out our quick start guide.

Older Internet Explorer versions

Currently only IE11 is supported; some publishers are using the IMA HTML5 SDK with IE10 without issues, but it isn't officially supported. SDK support will be focused on on IE11 and subsequent versions given the upgrade rate from IE10 to IE11. Version 9 and earlier of Internet Explorer are not supported by the IMA HTML5 SDK and likely will not correctly serve video ads.


If you have any questions about Internet Explorer support or other IMA SDK questions, feel free to contact us via the support forum.