Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Register now for the AdWords API Workshops around the globe!

We’re pleased to announce that the AdWords API Workshops are back, and registration is open. Visit the workshop website to access the registration forms and take a look at the agendas: www.AdWordsAPIWorkshops.com

Choose a location and type of event that best works for you and register soon! Wait for the confirmation email from our side.

This round we are hosting three variations of workshops:
  1. The Technical workshops are targeted for experienced API users, and we are going to talk about advanced use cases at a very technical level. If you are a developer, you are going to enjoy this event.
  2. The Introductory Technical workshop is similar to the technical workshops, but we are going to start with a use cases overview, and also talk about available tools on the market and best practices on API usage. This is still a technical workshop, but should be easy to consume by new developers and team managers. This round we will only be hosting this type of event in London (April 13th).
  3. The Business workshops are the new type of workshop. No technical content in terms of code, but instead we are going to talk about possible API use cases, and how to make your business work together with the AdWords API, or AdWords scripts. This is aimed at a business audience, so everyone can enjoy the event.
We're looking forward to seeing you at these events!

If you have any questions about the workshops, you can post them on our forums. Check out our Google+ page for Ads APIs updates.