Thursday, August 2, 2018

Upcoming changes to HTML5 template ads in AdWords API & Scripts

Starting August 27, 2018, creating TemplateAds with IDs 419 (HTML5 Ads) may result in an error in AdWords API and Scripts. AdWords API users will see the error AdError.Reason.USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_TEMPLATE when creating HTML5 ads using various services.AdWords Scripts users may see an error that the ad cannot be saved when using the HTML5AdBuilder class to create a new HTML5 ad.

Existing accounts that have used or are currently using HTML5 ads will be whitelisted, and will continue to be able to upload HTML5 ads. Existing HTML5 ads will also continue to serve after this date.

If your account is new, or has never used HTML5 ads before, you may be affected by this change. We recommend one of the following options to fix this error:
  • You may apply for HTML5 access in your account by filling in the whitelist request form
  • You can use an AMPHTML instead of a regular HTML file in your HTML5 bundle. AMPHTML ads won’t trigger the above error.
  • You will automatically be approved for HTML5 access once you have spent more than $9000 USD on AdWords and your account is more than 90 days old
If you have questions about this change, please reach out to us on the AdWords API forum or AdWords Scripts forum.