Beginning in May 2021, the Display & Video 360 API will start enforcing new validation when creating or updating line item resources.

This validation will require all Floodlight activity configurations in a line item to use the same lookback windows. All TrackingFloodlightActivityConfig objects assigned to conversionCounting.floodlightActivityConfigs in a line item must have the same postClickLookbackWindowDays value and the same postViewLookbackWindowDays value. The values of the two lookback window types do not have to be the same.

This validation will be enforced when creating new line items or updating the conversionCounting.floodlightActivityConfigs field of an existing line item. 
Requests that do not comply will return one of two errors, depending on the invalid field: “Floodlight click windows must be the same” or “Floodlight view windows must be the same.”

Once this validation is in effect, you will still be able to retrieve and update unrelated fields of line items that do not comply with this rule.

If you run into issues or have questions regarding this new validation, please contact us using our support contact form.