Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Buy on Google For Search and Shopping Deprecation

Buy on Google for Search and Shopping will no longer be available starting September 26, 2023. All Merchant and Consumer support will end for Buy on Google on Search on November 25, 2023. The only exception is that the orders.get and orders.list methods will remain available for Search and Shopping until October 30, 2024, so that merchants can download their historical order data.

See below for the specific timeline of when Buy on Google methods will no longer be available for the Search and Shopping program.

June 28, 2023 onwards:

September 30, 2023:

October 31, 2023:

All the orders related resources (orders, orderinvoices, orderreports, orderreturns, ordertrackingsignals) and all their underlying methods. The only exception is that the orders.get and orders.list methods will remain available for Search and Shopping until October 30, 2024, so that merchants can download their historical order data.

If you are currently using the Buy on Google endpoints for Search and Shopping via the Content API, you will need to stop using these services for Search and Shopping before the dates listed above, as your requests will start to fail after that date.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.