Friday, February 23, 2024

Updates: Errors when linking Merchant Center accounts with Google Ads API

What happened?

For developers linking Merchant Center accounts to Google Ads using Google Ads API v14, there was an issue from 04:00 PST Monday, Feb 19 to 08:00 PST Tuesday, Feb 20 that caused some requests to the MutateMerchantCenterLink method of MerchantCenterLinkService to return MutateError.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND. Also calls to ListMerchantCenterLinks may not have returned some MerchantCenterLinks with link status PENDING.

What should I do?

If you use Google Ads API v14 to link Merchant Center accounts to Google Ads accounts using MerchantCenterLinkService, you should check to see if you have accounts that have pending link requests during the period of time described above. This issue has now been resolved and you may retry the failed calls to complete the linking of Merchant Center accounts. Also check ListMerchantCenterLinks for accounts with link status PENDING. Some of these link requests may not have previously been returned during that time period.

How to get help

If you have any questions or need help, check out the Google Ads API support page for options.