Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Deprecation of Structured Data Files v6

Today we’re announcing the deprecation of Structured Data Files (SDF) v6. This version will sunset on April 30, 2025.

Migrate to SDF v7 or higher before the sunset date to avoid any interruption of service. Instructions on how to migrate from v6 to v7 can be found in our migration guide.

After April 30, 2025, the following changes will apply to all users:

  • The default version of partners and advertisers using those versions will be updated to v7.
  • sdfdownloadtasks.create requests using SDF_VERSION_6 in the request body will return a 400 error.

If you run into issues or need help with your migration, please contact us using our new Display & Video 360 API Technical support contact form.