(If you want to continue getting email updates about our blog posts, read on. If you don't want email updates from this blog, you can skip this post.)
For some products, the Google Ads Developer team has used Google groups as a way to allow API users to subscribe and get new relevant blog posts delivered to their email address. Starting now, the way you can get email updates about blog posts is changing. We will no longer send an email to the Google group for each new blog post. We will continue to use the Google groups for other important updates, however.
For users who still want email updates, we've introduced new FeedBurner links on the right-hand panel of our blog homepage. You can subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking on the link for the product you're interested in, or subscribe by email by clicking on the [+] link to the right of the product name.
If you use any of the APIs that we discuss on this blog, make sure you subscribe to the feed to keep up with the latest news and updates:
For some products, the Google Ads Developer team has used Google groups as a way to allow API users to subscribe and get new relevant blog posts delivered to their email address. Starting now, the way you can get email updates about blog posts is changing. We will no longer send an email to the Google group for each new blog post. We will continue to use the Google groups for other important updates, however.
For users who still want email updates, we've introduced new FeedBurner links on the right-hand panel of our blog homepage. You can subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking on the link for the product you're interested in, or subscribe by email by clicking on the [+] link to the right of the product name.
If you use any of the APIs that we discuss on this blog, make sure you subscribe to the feed to keep up with the latest news and updates:
- Google Ads API [+]
- AdWords API [+]
- Google Ads scripts [+]
- Content API for Shopping [+]
- Google Ad Manager API [+]
- DCM API [+]
- Mobile Ads [+]
- IMA SDK [+]