Thursday, February 2, 2023

Announcing iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 10.0.0

We are excited to announce the release of our newest version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to stay up-to-date with our latest features.

Version 10.0.0 Changes

Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0 introduces a few major changes:

  • The minimum OS version has been bumped from 11 to 12. Given the high adoption rate of iOS 16, we are continuing the trend of incrementing the minimum support level. Applications can still be built for iOS 11, however, the SDK will not load any ads on iOS 11.
  • Since bitcode is deprecated in Xcode 14, we have disabled bitcode in the SDK. As a result, this has decreased the download size of our SDK by ~35MB. What this means for you is to integrate with SDK version 10.0.0, you also have to disable bitcode (if you haven’t already) in the build settings of your Xcode project.
  • Ad Manager applications require an app ID upon initialization of the SDK. This also means the key GADIsAppManagerApp will no longer bypass this check. App IDs are added to the Info.plist with a key of GADApplicationIdentifier. See Update your Info.plist for more details.
  • Ad Manager applications require GoogleAppMeasurement.xcframework as a dependency. If you install the Google Mobile Ads SDK through CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager, no additional action is required. If you install frameworks manually, see Manual Download for more details.
  • We also have removed deprecated APIs of various properties and classes.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Check our migration guide to ensure your mobile apps are ready to upgrade.

SDK Deprecation Reminder

Per the deprecation schedule announced last year, the release of version 10.0.0 means that:

  • iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK versions 8.x.x is officially deprecated, and will sunset in Q2 2024.
  • Versions 7.x.x and below will sunset sometime in Q2 2023, approximately 60 days following the release of Android Google Mobile Ads SDK major version 22.0.0.

As always, if you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.